Richelle Ryan

onlyrichelleryan, richelleryan

CamSoda OnlyFans Instagram

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145 Gilla

Diskussion om Richelle Ryan

Hi Richelle, congratulations on your photos! You are truly stunning! Sorry for the unprompted message :) Can I invite you to publish and sell your work on BentBox? We are a platform for photographers and models to sell their content. We have world known professionals and amateurs alike. What do you think? We would love to have you on board! My name is Jane :)

Janeyoure about as dumb as they get Your professionals need to do their fuckin job and inform you on how stupid you look for trying to contact someone who doesn't know you or this page exists Fire everyone and hire someone who actually cares enough to bully some intelligence into you

Richelle, thanks for your lovely feedback, much appreciated :) However, I am not sure I understand what bothered you. You didn't like that I contacted you out of the blue or that you don't know our platform and you don't care about a platform where you can make some money? At this stage, I assume that you are not interested but in case you like extra money, just let me know. Have a great day :)

I wouldn't think someone would be dumb enough to respond.

Even more so he actually thinks I'm this person he's messaging. Dudes remedial as fuck People like him are why some animals eat their young